
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/17 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

プログラミングⅡ(産情報)/Computer Programming Ⅱ
/Course Code
/Numbering Code
/Course Offered by
産業情報学部産業情報学科コースなし/College of Industry and Information Science Department of Industry and Information Science
/semester offered
前期/First Semester
/Main Instructor
鈴木 康元(非常勤)/Yasuharu SUZUKI
/Course Group
専門科目 専門科目選択/専門科目 専門科目選択
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

鈴木 康元(非常勤)/Yasuharu SUZUKI 産業情報学科/Department of Industry and Information Science
/*Relevance to Policy
This lecture aims to acquire programming skills using Python.
/Inquiries about classes
Teams / ptt1245@okiu.ac.jp / Dialogue
During the class, as long as it does not hinder the progress.
/Prepare to learn
In recent years, the learning environment for programming has been dramatically improved by cloud technology, e-learning, competitive programming, and ChatGPT, making it easier to develop talent capable of utilizing programming in industries and professions beyond engineering.
This lecture aims to acquire programming skills using Python.
Python is a language that emphasizes "readability and understandability," making it easy for beginners to learn. It is a popular language among both professionals and students.
- The instructor in charge has provided management and technical support to the student company "Hugkun" and participated in community activities such as Python Beginners Okinawa.
- They are also active as a data scientist, providing advisory services using the Python language.
In this course, there will be many assignments for acquiring programming skills.
Don't leave any misunderstandings unaddressed in the assignments; make an effort to fully understand the material and become capable of writing the code on your own.
It's okay to use textbooks and class materials, as well as internet searches and ChatGPT, and working together with friends is also recommended as it tends to deepen understanding.
However, simply copying and pasting from textbooks, friends, or ChatGPT will not lead to a fundamental understanding.
The final exam, which accounts for 50% of the evaluation, requires quick output within an 80-minute exam period, so it is important to have a solid understanding from the lectures and assignments beforehand.
This lecture, offering many opportunities to read (such as the instructor's sample code) and write code, is highly recommended for those who want to become programmers in the future or have an interest in programming.
/Attainment Targets
- Understanding of collection types (dictionaries), functions, and classes
- Understanding of reading and writing text files
- Understanding of graph plotting, operations using numpy, and machine learning
/Learning Practices
/Class Plan
(1) Review of basic syntax, lists, tuples, and sets
(2) Dictionaries
(3) User-defined functions
(4) Using functions from other Python files
(5) Advanced use of functions, class definitions
(6) Class inheritance, use of properties
(7) Reading and writing text files
(8) Midterm exam
(9) Graphs (Basics)
(10) Graphs (Advanced), numpy arrays (Basics)
(11) numpy arrays (Advanced)
(12) Machine learning (Basics)
(13) Machine learning (Classification models)
(14) Machine learning (Regression models)
(15) Preparation for the final exam
(16) Final exam
/Textbooks, references, materials, etc.
Textbook: Miyuki Oshige "Detailed! Python 3 Introduction Note" published by Sotech Company
- Please make sure to prepare the textbook as the lessons will be conducted in accordance with its content.
- Additionally, it is recommended to complete the Python I course on the e-learning platform "Progate".
  The scope is up to if statements, but the explanation slides are thorough, and the error messages are relatively easy to understand, so you will be able to write basic syntax.
/Way of learning
- Assignments will be given in each class. Make sure to submit them on time, aiming to solve at least 80% of each.
- The final exam, which accounts for 50% of the evaluation, requires quick output within an 80-minute period, so it's important to have a solid understanding from previous classes and assignments.
- For assignments, you may refer to textbooks and class materials. It is also recommended to solve problems through pair programming or mob programming with friends, as it tends to deepen understanding.
- You may use internet searches, ChatGPT, e-learning platforms like Progate, and competitive programming like AtCoder as aids in learning the material.
- Please use ChatGPT appropriately, taking into account the university's guidelines.
- In last year's final exam, 70% of the questions were variations of problems given in the assignments, and the remaining 30% were new questions. Since application skills are also necessary, make sure to solidly acquire the basics.
- Grades will be evaluated based on "Final Exam (50%)" + "Assignments (50%)". Assignment scores are tallied out of 10 points, and the average from 15 classes will be reflected in the grade.
- It is possible to exceed 10 points in assignments due to bonus points.
- Those who are absent for more than one-third of the classes will receive a failing grade.
/Continuing to learn
/Next Stage and Related Courses
If you want to acquire more practical skills, it is recommended to solidify your programming skills by using paid courses on Progate or engaging in competitive programming like AtCoder to develop the ability to write various algorithms.
Leveraging the programming fundamentals you have acquired, it is recommended to take courses in "Web Programming" "Information Processing System Exercises" "Databases" and "Visual Information Processing".
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Class Plan
/Content of Overtime Learning
1 1 Review of basic syntax, lists, tuples, and sets Preparation and review for assignments
2 2 Dictionaries Preparation and review for assignments
3 3 User-defined functions Preparation and review for assignments
4 4 Using functions from other Python files Preparation and review for assignments
5 5 Advanced use of functions, class definitions Preparation and review for assignments
6 6 Class inheritance, use of properties Preparation and review for assignments
7 7 Reading and writing text files Preparation and review for assignments
8 8 Midterm exam Study for exams and review after grading
9 9 Graphs (Basics) Preparation and review for assignments
10 10 Graphs (Advanced), numpy arrays (Basics) Preparation and review for assignments
11 11 numpy arrays (Advanced) Preparation and review for assignments
12 12 Machine learning (Basics) Preparation and review for assignments
13 13 Machine learning (Classification models) Preparation and review for assignments
14 14 Machine learning (Regression models) Preparation and review for assignments
15 15 Preparation for the final exam Study for mock exams and review after grading
16 16 Final exam Exam preparation
