
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/17 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

ビジネス英語(総 英)/Business English
/Course Code
/Numbering Code
/Course Offered by
総合文化学部英米言語文化学科コース決定前/College of Global and Regional Culture Department of British and American Language and Culture
/semester offered
前期/First Semester
/Main Instructor
東恩納 ミッシェル(非常勤)
/Course Group
専門科目 専門科目選択必修/専門科目 専門科目選択必修
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

東恩納 ミッシェル(非常勤) 英米言語文化学科/Department of British and American Language and Culture
/*Relevance to Policy
This class will be delivered entirely in English. You will act as an intern in a company in this class.
Minus 5 class points per absence without authorization.  Authorized absences only. (公欠)
You will be fired after missing 5 classes without authorization = (不可)
Minus 2 class points if you are late for work (遅刻)
You should have Eiken level 2 or TOEIC 440 or higher to take this class
/Inquiries about classes
Classroom 3-406 before or after class.  Or email ptt495@okiu.ac.jp
/Prepare to learn
The students attending this class will be introduced to various facets of the world of international business. From product inception to marketing  and all the steps in between. The goal is to learn all the processes of bringing a product from the brainstorming stage to production and advertising. Finally students will apply for a job at the company they interned at with a resume, cover letter and oral job interview.
Group work is an integral part of this class. Students must be team players. All groups will be chosen by instructor. Students will remain in the same work group all semester.
/Attainment Targets
Requirements for this class: No late assignments will be accepted!
A product proposal P. 21 (Individual) 5pts
A written elevator pitch script & 1 minute video P. 24 (Individual) 10pts
A SWOT analysis P.30 & 31 (team)10pts
A product review memo P. 33&34 5pts
A poster presentation P. 35 & 36 (team)10pts
A market research report & Presentation slide show P51&52 (team) 20pts
A slideshow, handout, and video commercial P.66 (team) 20pts
A resume, cover letter and final job interview P. 77, P. 79, P. 82 (Individual) 20pts
/Learning Practices
/Class Plan
First class orientation.  See Team meeting for Business English in meeting notes.
/Textbooks, references, materials, etc.
Widgets Inc. Second Edition
/Way of learning
Students will conduct several individual and group work projects together in order to earn grades. See Attainment Targets.
The students will earn their grades through active participation (bringing the required research to video classes  to use), evaluated group role play, presentations and attendance. A detailed breakdown will be distributed on the first day of class.
A product proposal P. 21 (Individual) 5pts
A written elevator pitch script & 1 minute video P. 24 (Individual) 10pts
A SWOT analysis P.30 & 31 (team)10pts
A product review memo P. 33&34 5pts
A poster presentation P. 35 & 36 (team)10pts
A market research report & Presentation slide show P51&52 (team) 20pts
A slideshow, handout, and video commercial P.66 (team) 20pts
A resume, cover letter and final job interview P. 77, P. 79, P. 82 (Individual) 20pts

/Continuing to learn
/Next Stage and Related Courses
Discussion skills
Tourism English
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Class Plan
/Content of Overtime Learning
1 1 Course registration and introduction to the second semester's flowchart Reading, writing
2 2 Ice breakers and meeting new people in the work place Speaking
3 3 Introduction of company departments and their functions Listening  and Writing
4 4 Character types and job suitability Listening  and Writing
5 5 Group formation, introductions, leader selection Reading and Speaking
6 6 Product innovation. Pros and cons Reading and Speaking
7 7 Disagreements Speaking
8 8 Product development Reading and Speaking
9 9 Presentation skills Speaking
10 10 Poster preparation Writing
11 11 Poster presentation Speaking and Writing
12 12 Target market, ideal customers Listening and Reading
13 13 Market research questionnaire preparation Speaking and Reading
14 14 Questionaire trial runs Speaking and Listening
15 15 Rewrites and Market research strategy Writing
16 16 Field work Speaking
17 17 Data analysis Reading
18 18 Market research presentation Speaking and Reading
19 19 Product modifications and advertising Speaking and Writing
20 20 Advertising avenues Speaking and Reading
21 21 Advertising campaign first draft Speaking and Reading
22 22 Infommercials Speaking
23 23 Resumes Writing
24 24 Resume writing Writing
25 25 Resume first draft, cover letters Writing
26 26 Cover letter first draft, interview techniques Writing Speaking
27 27 Interview trials Speaking and Reading
28 28 Resume and  cover letter final draft, trial interviews Writing and Reading
29 29 In class trial job interviews Speaking
30 30 Interviews group 1 Speaking
31 31 Interviews group 2 Speaking
