
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/17 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

English Reading Ⅰ/English Reading Ⅰ
/Course Code
/Numbering Code
/Course Offered by
総合文化学部英米言語文化学科コース決定前/College of Global and Regional Culture Department of British and American Language and Culture
/semester offered
前期/First Semester
/Main Instructor
フィリップス オーエン グレヴィル(非常勤)/PHILLIPS OWEN GREVILLE
/Course Group
専門科目 専門科目選択必修/専門科目 専門科目選択必修
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

フィリップス オーエン グレヴィル(非常勤)/PHILLIPS OWEN GREVILLE 英米言語文化学科/Department of British and American Language and Culture
/*Relevance to Policy
This class will build upon the vocabulary and reading skills developed previously.
/Inquiries about classes
Owen Phillips  email- ptt1001@okiu.ac.jp  phone - 080 2692 2112
/Prepare to learn
To improve the reading and listening ability of students
This class will be taught mostly in English
/Attainment Targets
Reading Explorer Foundations (Edition 3), available from Asano Bookshop
/Learning Practices
/Class Plan
/Textbooks, references, materials, etc.
Reading Explorer Foundations (Edition 3), available from Asano Bookshop
/Way of learning
Students will be expected to develop self-discipline with regards to reviewing topics studied in class.
4 tests, each similar to units studied in the textbook. Students will also choose a book in English to read throughout the semester with the goal of presenting a summary and opinion of the book in class. Tests and presentation will each carry 20% of the overall grade.
/Continuing to learn
/Next Stage and Related Courses
Students should utilize the self-study techniques, skills, and knowledge attained in Reading I, become better independent learners and develop further through Reading 2.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Class Plan
/Content of Overtime Learning
1 1 Reading Explorer Foundations (REF), Unit 1: Mysteries, part A: A Mysterious Visitor. Scann Review and pre-reading
2 2 REF, 1: Mysteries, B: The Lost City of Atlantis. Skimming Video: Moon Mystery
3 3 REF, 2: Eating Extremes, A: The World of Speed Eating. Identifying the Parts of a Passage Review and pre-reading
4 4 REF, 2: Eating Extremes B: The Hottest of Chilies. Pronoun Reference Video: Science of Taste
5 5 REF, 3: Cool Jobs A: Digging for the Past. Dealing with New Vocabulary (1) – Using a Dict Review and pre-reading
6 6 REF, 3: Cool Jobs B: Getting the Shot. Understanding Suffixes. Video: Right Dog for the Job
7 7 Test #1 on understanding Units 1~3 and Book Presentation introduction Review and pre-reading
8 8 REF, 4: Shipwrecks A: I’ve Found the Titanic! Identifying a Paragraph’s Main Idea. Review and pre-reading
9 9 REF, 4 Shipwrecks B: My Descent to the Titanic. Recognizing Compound Subjects and Objects Video: An Ancient Shipwreck
10 10 REF, 5 Science Investigators A: The Disease Detective. Identifying the Purpose of a Parag Review and pre-reading
11 11 REF, 5 Science Investigators B: At the Scene of a Crime. Inferring Meaning. Video: The Flu Virus
12 12 REF, 6 Plants and Trees A: Planting for the Planet. Creating a Timeline of Events. Review and pre-reading
13 13 REF, 6 Plants and Trees B: Fatal Attraction. Understanding a Process. Video: Giants of the Forest
14 14 Test #2 on understanding Units 4~6 and Book Presentation preparation Review and pre-reading
15 15 REF, 7 Mind’s Eye A: Understanding Dreams. Organizing Information (1) Review and pre-reading
16 16 REF, 7 Mind’s Eye B: Seeing the Impossible. Understanding Conjunctions. Video: Parasomnia
17 17 REF, 8 Animal Wonders A: A Penguin’s Year. Dealing with New Vocabulary (2) Review and pre-reading
18 18 REF, 8 Animal Wonders B: Do Animals Laugh? Identifying Supporting Details. Video: Amazing Narwhals
19 19 REF, 9 Building Beauty A: A Love Poem in Stone. Understanding Text. Review and pre-reading
20 20 REF, 9 Building Beauty B: The Great Dome of Florence. Understanding Infographics. Video: Brunelleschi’s Dome
21 21 Test #3 on understanding Units 7~9 and Book Presentation preparation Review and pre-reading
22 22 REF, 10 Forces of Nature A: Wild Weather. Understanding Tenses. Review and pre-reading
23 23 REF, 10 Forces of Nature B: When Weird Weather Strikes. Understanding Cause and Effect. Video: Tornado Terror
24 24 Reading Presentations 01 Review and pre-reading
25 25 REF, 11 Giants of the Past A: The Mammoth’s Tale. Understanding Passive Sentences Review and pre-reading
26 26 REF, 11 Giants of the Past B: Monsters of the Deep. Organizing Information (2) – A Chart Video: Ichthyosaurs
27 27 Reading Presentations 02 Review and pre-reading
28 28 REF, 12 Technology A: The Robots are Coming! Identifying Examples Review and pre-reading
29 29 REF, 12 Technology B: How Will We Live in 2045? Understanding Prefixes Video: A Social Robot
30 30 Test #4 on understanding Units 10~12 and Book Presentation preparation Review and pre-reading
31 31 Reading Presentations 03 N/A
