
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/17 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

Oral Communication Ⅱ/Oral Communication Ⅱ
/Course Code
/Numbering Code
/Course Offered by
総合文化学部英米言語文化学科コース決定前/College of Global and Regional Culture Department of British and American Language and Culture
/semester offered
後期/Second Semester
/Main Instructor
ロビンソン サイモン(非常勤)/Robinson Simon
/Course Group
専門科目 専門科目選択必修/専門科目 専門科目選択必修
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

ロビンソン サイモン(非常勤)/Robinson Simon 英米言語文化学科/Department of British and American Language and Culture
/*Relevance to Policy
This course is centered around spoken communication, a key part of the College of Global and Regional Culture Department of British and American Language and Culture  course offerings.
/Inquiries about classes
Contact me on Teams (Simon Robinson ロビンソン サイモン) or email: ptt242@okiu.ac.jp
/Prepare to learn
Students will develop their ability to have conversations and discussion on a variety of topics, both about themselves and about important issues in the world.
This is a great fun class, with lots and lots of talking so you'll get lots of conversation practice.
/Attainment Targets
By the end of this course students will be able to talk about their life situations in detail, as well as discuss important social
issues in English.
/Learning Practices
/Class Plan
Group conversation work and then giving feedback to the teacher and class.
/Textbooks, references, materials, etc.
There is no textbook for this course - we will use the internet, Microsoft Teams, and audio recordings to create the course together.
/Way of learning
Conversation practice in groups, and listening practice for homework.
There will be an interview exam at the end of the semester.
/Continuing to learn
/Next Stage and Related Courses
Students should go on to take Oral Communication III and IV to further develop their conversational ability.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Class Plan
/Content of Overtime Learning
1 1 course orientation lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
2 2 self-introductions lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
3 3 detailed self-introductions 1 lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
4 4 detailed self-introductions 2 lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
5 5 detailed self-introductions 3 lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
6 6 self-introduction presentation preparation practice your self-introduction
7 7 self-introduction presentations lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
8 8 self-introduction quiz activity lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
9 9 Social issues - Okinawa lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
10 10 Social issues - Japan lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
11 11 Social issues - the world lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
12 12 What social issues do you care about? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
13 13 Okinawan social issue- what do we know Research the issue for homework
14 14 What did we learn for homework? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
15 15 What solutions can we think of? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
16 16 Group presentation on this issue lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
17 17 Japan social issue - what do we know Research the issue for homework
18 18 What did we learn for homework? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
19 19 What solutions can we think of? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
20 20 Group presentation on this issue lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
21 21 World social issue - what do we know Research the issue for homework
22 22 What did we learn for homework? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
23 23 What solutions can we think of? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
24 24 Group presentation on this issue lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
25 25 Free choice social issue - what do we know Research the issue for homework
26 26 What did we learn for homework? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
27 27 What solutions can we think of? lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
28 28 Group presentation on this issue lesson recording listening and shadowing practice
29 29 Exam preparation practice your exam speech
30 30 Exam practice practice the Q&A for your exam
31 31 The interview exam none
