
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/17 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

Public Speaking/Public Speaking
/Course Code
/Numbering Code
/Course Offered by
総合文化学部英米言語文化学科コース決定前/College of Global and Regional Culture Department of British and American Language and Culture
/semester offered
前期/First Semester
/Main Instructor
素民喜 霞/Kasumi SMINKEY
/Course Group
専門科目 専門科目選択必修/専門科目 専門科目選択必修
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

素民喜 霞/Kasumi SMINKEY 英米言語文化学科/Department of British and American Language and Culture
/*Relevance to Policy
/Inquiries about classes
研究室:9-501    電話:098-893-6586  
E-mail: sminkey@okiu.ac.jp
/Prepare to learn
The aim of this class is for students to gain experience and
confidence in public speaking. At the same time, they
should gain knowledge about the components of public
speaking and the qualities of an effective speech.
This is my favorite class at OKIU, probably because it's the
class where students inevitably show the most improvement.
It's also a class in which I learn from the students. I hope
that we can challenge and learn from one another. Please aim
to give  speeches that we will remember not just for a few
months but for years to come!
/Attainment Targets
Students will be able to organize, prepare, and give an effective public speech. In addition, students will know what
qualities constitute a good speech and be able to evaluate other speeches.
/Learning Practices
/Class Plan
/Textbooks, references, materials, etc.
No textbook is required for this class. However, students should bring an English-Japanese,
Japanese-English electronic dictionary to every class. Students will also be required to bring
a B5 notebook to every class.
/Way of learning
Students will receive training and instruction in delivery, speech preparation, audience analysis,
outlining a speech, gesturing, using props and visual aids, researching a topic, and critiquing
speeches. Students will be required to give three speeches: a painful experience speech, an
informative speech, and a persuasive speech. In addition, students will be required to thoroughly
evaluate at least six speeches.
Grades for speeches will be assigned based on student evaluations, speech note cards, and teacher
observation. Grade percentages will be assigned as follows: painful experience speech (20%),
informative speech (30%), persuasive speech (40%), and evaluation of other speeches (10%).
/Continuing to learn
/Next Stage and Related Courses
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Class Plan
/Content of Overtime Learning
1 1 Introduction to class and methods, self-introductions Preview syllabus
2 2 Overview of public speaking Read speech overview handout
3 3 IMPROMPTU SPEECHES: creative self-introductions Prepare self-introduction
4 4 The emotional and psychological aspects of public speaking Reflect on speaking experiences
5 5 Basics of the speechmaking process: delivering your speech, making cards Decide on first speech topic
6 6 Activity #1: Eye Contact  /  Activity #2: Gestures Prepare card, props, and outline
7 7 Preparing your speech: choosing a topic and gathering information Complete preparing first speech
8 8 Preparing your speech: analyzing the audience Rehearse first speech with group
9 9 ★ PAINFUL EXPERIENCE SPEECHES -- Day 1 ★Prepare first speech (day 1)
10 10 ★ PAINFUL EXPERIENCE SPEECHES -- Day 2 ★Prepare first speech (day 2)
11 11 Evaluations: reviewing and discussing student speeches Review evaluation of your speech
12 12 How to evaluate and comment on a speech Read evaluation sheet
13 13 Public speaking and ethics Review speech handouts
14 14 Basics of public speaking: voice projection Read about voice projection
15 15 Preparing your speech: effective introductions Read introduction handout
16 16 Review of effective introductions: student practice Prepare several introductions
17 17 Preparing your speech: choosing an effective topic and analyzing the audience Decide on informative topic
18 18 Intonation practice -- using emphasis, stretching, and pausing Read intonation handout
19 19 Effective use of visual aids Prepare card, props, and speech
20 20 Group practice of informative speeches Practice informative speech
21 21 ★  INFORMATIVE SPEECHES -- Day 1 ★Rehearse informative speech 1
22 22 ★  INFORMATIVE SPEECHES -- Day 2 ★Rehearse informative speech 2
23 23 Evaluations: reviewing and discussing student speeches Review evaluation of speech
24 24 Maintaining audience attention Read about maintaining attention
25 25 Persuasion techniques: dissonance, listener needs, positive and negative motivation Preview handouts on persuasion
26 26 Persuasion techniques: credibility, appeals to reason, appeals to emotion Practice persuasion techniques
27 27 Organization of a persuasive speech Decide on persuasion topic
28 28 Concluding your speech Outline and research topic
29 29 Group practice of persuasive speeches Prepare card, props, PowerPoint
30 30 ★ PERSUASIVE SPEECHES  -- Day 1 ★Rehearse persuasive speech 1
31 31 ★ PERSUASIVE SPEECHES -- Day 2 ★Rehearse persuasive speech 2
