
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/04/05 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

英語Ⅰ/English Ⅰ
/Course Code
/Numbering Code
/Course Offered by
共通科目外国語科目群・英語/General Education Course
/Day, Period
月/Mon 2, 木/Thu 2
/semester offered
前期/First Semester
/Main Instructor
ベンジャミン フォーゲル(非常勤)/Benjamin Fogel
/Course Group
その他 その他 共通科目/その他 その他 共通科目
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

ベンジャミン フォーゲル(非常勤)/Benjamin Fogel 英米言語文化学科/Department of British and American Language and Culture
/*Relevance to Policy
This class introduces students to everyday colloquial English.
/Inquiries about classes
E-mail or 授業終了後教室にて受け付けます
/Prepare to learn
This is an English speaking course, so we will focus on pronunciation, speaking and listening. You will do exercises in pairs. We will focus on responding to questions.
I will speak in English as much as possible and expect you to speak with me and with your classmates in English as much as possible.
/Attainment Targets
By the end of the course, you will feel more confident speaking English, have better pronunciation, have improved your vocabulary, be able to ask and answer questions using full sentences, and be able to understand basic English grammar.
/Learning Practices
/Class Plan
/Textbooks, references, materials, etc.
English Conversation for Japanese Speakers 3rd Edition
Red Bird Books in Japan
2500 yen tax included
Beni Fogel, Dr. Cary Rasof
/Way of learning
Please do your homework so that you will be prepared to speak in class.
We will be singing songs, listening to dialogues and speaking often in class.
Attendance: 20%
/Continuing to learn
/Next Stage and Related Courses
Please listen to the recordings on the website to keep English fresh in your head.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Class Plan
/Content of Overtime Learning
1 1 Student Photos, Unit 0: Useful Phrases, Countable Nouns, the verb ‘to Be’ Read p2+3
2 2 Grammar: There is/are, p.4 Yes/No ex., p.7 illustration together with teacher Do p 5+6, practice p7
3 3 HW p. 5+6 - Questions, p.7 illustration ex. In pairs, Grammar take-home test in class G-t-h- test, Rev  p4+7
4 4 p.8+10 in pairs, p.11+12, review p.7 In Class Test 1 for Unit 0
5 5 HW In Class Test for Unit 0 - Questions, p.11+12 again in pairs, p.13+14, p.5 in pairs p15+16
6 6 HW p.15+16  - Questions, Test for Unit 0 + Correct in class Listen to Unit 1 song
7 7 Unit 1 Grammar – p.7-8 Pres. Cont., General verbs, Helping Verbs, Verbs of emotion Do p12+13, review handout
8 8 HW – Questions, p.2 Song, p.3 pron, p.5 Vocab, p.10 in pairs p.4,6, Song, Q.F. 1+2
9 9 HW – Questions, p.11 in class, p. 14 pairs, p.15 pairs, p.16 p11, G-t-h-test
10 10 p.14,15,16,17,18 in pairs p19+20, I-C-T-1
11 11 HW p.19+20 - Questions, In Class Test 1 U.1 Questions, Test for Unit 1 + Correct in class Listen to Unit 2 song
12 12 Unit 2 Grammar – 27-29 Uncountable Nouns, Want + Would like, Some + Any, p.22 Song p.32,33
13 13 HW p.32,33 – Questions, p.22 song, p.23 pron, p.25 Vocab, p.30 ex Grammar take-home test, song
14 14 HW – Questions, p.31 in class, p.34 pairs, p.35 pairs, p.36 practice song, p.39+40
15 15 HW p.39+40 – Questions, p.37,38 in pairs, p.34 again, p.35 again In Class Test 1 U.2
16 16 HW In Class Test 1 U.2 – Questions, Test for Unit 2 + Correct in class Listen to Unit 3 song
17 17 Unit 3 Grammar – p.47-49 Adjectives, Comparative + Superlative p.51,52,53
18 18 HW p. 51,52,53 – Questions, p.42 song, p.43 pron, p.45 Vocab, p.50 ex p.44,46, Grammar take-home test
19 19 p.51 yes/no ex, p.54 ex, p.55, p.56 p.59+60
20 20 HW p.59+60 – Questions, p.54 again, p.57+58 pairs, review p.55,56 In Class test 1 U.3
21 21 HW In Class test 1 U.3 – Questions, Test for Unit 3 + Correct in Class Listen to Unit 4 song
22 22 Unit 4 Grammar p.67-69 Past Tense, p.62 song p. 71,72,73
23 23 HW p.71,72,73 – Questions, p.62 song, p.63 pron, p.65 Vocab, p.70 Yes/No ex Grammar take-home test
24 24 HW Grammar take-home test – Questions, p.71, p.74, p.75, p.76 (in pairs) p.79+80
25 25 HW p.79+80 – Questions, p. 74 again, p. 77+78, p. 75 again In Class test 1 U.4
26 26 HW In Class test 1 U.4 – Questions, Test for Unit 4 + Correct in class Listen to Unit 5 song
27 27 Unit 5 Grammar p.87-89 Verb combos, prepositions, pronouns, p.82 song p.91,92,93
28 28 HW p.91,92,93 – Questions, p.82 song, p.83 pron, p.85 Vocab, p.90 Yes/No ex Grammar take-home test
29 29 HW Grammar take-home test – Questions, p.91, p.94., p.95, p.96 (in pairs) p.99+100
30 30 HW p.99+100 – Questions, p. 94 again, p.97+98, p.95 again In Class test 1 U.5
31 31 HW In Class test 1 U.5 – Questions, Test for Unit 5 + Correct in class Enjoy the summer break!!
