In this age that focuses on politics, administration, and comprehensive policies, to train human resources capable of handling individual problems, we concentrate on fostering leadership that enables individuals to raise a wide range of issues and conduct credible planning that tackles issues, from political and administrative problems to environmental policies.
The Department of Regional Administration strives to train talented individuals who accurately understand the various problems faced by communities in Okinawa, including American military bases, employment, the environment, and welfare. They can conceive of ways to resolve these problems, actively participate in community development, and become future leaders in the community. The advantages offered by this department are the systematic curriculum constructed for the purpose of training individuals to be active on the frontlines of businesses that support administrative bodies and communities, and the diversity of instructors who provide the curriculum foundation. There is an abundant selection of courses so that students can engage in a broad range of studies centering on administration, including politics—which drives administrations, law—on which administrations are built, and communities—which support administrations. In addition, municipal leaders and civil servants are invited to speak to classes so that students understand the practical as well as theory.